Napping At Work FAQ’s

Where would I nap at work?

You will need some type of private or semi-private space. But remember, not all staff will want to make use of the power-nap and those who do, won’t necessarily be napping at the same time. So in many cases a meeting or chill out room can be allocated for power-naps. There’s also a range of portable nap-spaces that can be purchased to solve a space problem. Then there’s the car that could be used during lunch time.

What if I can’t nap?

Research confirms that some people report being unable to nap. Mindfulness meditation techniques can help calm the body-mind and so increase the chances of drifting off. If sleep doesn’t occur, people still get to enjoy the benefits of a lying down meditation.

Isn’t it a worker’s responsibility to get enough sleep?

Certainly. Employees are responsible for arriving ‘fit for work’. But there are many normal human life events that mean there will always be some workers who would benefit from a short kip, such as working parents who have been up during the night attending to children, or those who recovering from international travel. As well about 10 percent of the population struggles with some kind of sleep disorder and we all go through life stages where life worries can keep us awake at night. Even if workers are getting enough sleep, people can still experience the afternoon slump, just not as markedly as when sleep deprived.

How can I convince my boss?

We don’t know if your boss is convincible – but you can always point him or her towards examples of nap-friendly workplaces and NapNow can present a good business case for it .

Read here: How can I convince my boss?

Workplace Resources:

Is your workplace Power Nap Ready?

Download your FREE checklist with tips on how to progress your readiness.

Is your business nap ready?

Download this FREE checklist "Is your business Nap-Ready?"

Includes simple tips and advice to help increase your readiness.