David Roland PhD, Bangalow, NSW
David Roland is the author of How I Rescued My Brain: a psychologist’s remarkable recovery from stroke and trauma – a memoir covering the period from 2006 to 2011, in which, David applied his understanding of neuroplasticity to heal his own brain.
“I experience mental fatigue as a result of a brain injury from stroke so I need to manage my mental fatigue level more than I used to. I like to nap in the early afternoon or before going out for a big night.
I don’t always sleep, and even ten minutes of wakeful rest is revitalising.
I lie on my bed, if I’m at home, and put on noise cancelling headphones and an eye pillow. When I’m traveling I take these with me. The effect is like having a top-up of mental energy that takes me through the afternoon and into the early evening.
I’m more alert, cheerful and ready to engage with my family or others after my nap.”