In a culture where doing something – anything – is considered better than doing nothing, napping can seem suspect.
So it’s going to take a bit of naptivism to re-instate stillness and downtime as essential to a successful and sane life.
NapNow is working to rebrand napping as the renewable energy practice whose time has come for the sake of our professional and personal sustainability.
Would you like to help create this culture shift?
It doesn’t have to be hard work.
Here are 8 effort-free ways you can take a horizontal stand for integrating rhythms of renewal into our working day.
1. Simply … Nap. Getting horizontal is not only a delightful way to renew your energy. It’s a great way to throw down a peaceful challenge to models of relentless growth that lead simply lead to exhaustion of vital energy reserves. Here’s some Nap Know How.
2. If you are an established napper come out! Record your Nap on our nap registry – others will take courage from your example. Follow @theaoconnor and tweet us about your experience.
3. Adjust your email signature so it reads: 3pm: taking a renewable energy break.
4. Share your experience of tiredness, napping or not napping on our Facebook Page.
5. Challenge conversations that glorify pushing on at all costs, as a way of being.
6. Learn how to speak up about the need for short breaks at work when you can feel your energy and performance being compromised. Get some tips here on using 'Graded Assertiveness.'
7. Advocate for a napping policy in your workplace. Meanwhile team up with a work buddy and start taking regular ‘renewable energy breaks’ (power-naps, meditation, movement) during the afternoon slump.
8. Host a public Nap-In in your community. It’s easy and lots of fun. Contact us for some ideas and resources that we generated for Australia’s first Nap – In hosted by Transition Bellingen a few years ago.
More Nap Resources:
View our Power Nap Register
See what active Naptavists have to say and why they are passionate about the benefits of napping...